Technical SEO Audit Services

Technical SEO is an essential part of search engine optimization and is one of Codersy's strongest skills. Once we create your custom Shopify store, we will gladly focus on improving a website's technical infrastructure.
  • Technical SEO Audit Services

With technical SEO services, we focus on:

  • website speed
  • mobile-friendliness
  • site architecture
  • crawlability
  • indexability

Technical SEO is crucial for Shopify stores. Besides having flawless websites, we want to optimize for organic traffic too.

Did you know that a well-executed technical SEO strategy can improve user experience, increase website traffic, and increase search engine rankings?

Our technical SEO services include:

Crawl analysis and crawl errors

Processes that examine the website's crawlability and accessibility to search engine bots. It helps identify crawl errors, such as broken links or missing pages, that might prevent search engines from indexing the website properly.

Robots.txt audit

Wraps around the commands placed in the robots.txt file to ensure it's optimized in the best possible way for every Shopify store setup. By inspecting commands, we identify all potential issues that may prevent search engines from crawling and indexing specific pages or sections of the website.

Sitemap audit

It examines the website's XML sitemap, checking if it's properly formatted and search engine friendly. Being detailed when inspecting a sitemap helps identify any issues preventing search engines from effectively crawling and indexing the website's content.

Site structure audit

This audit examines the website's overall structure, including navigation and internal linking. This is how we identify all issues related to crawling and indexing existing content, suggesting further actions for improving the site's structure to enhance UX, UI and search engine visibility.

Technical SEO Audit Services

URL analysis

Examining the structure, length, and other parameters of individual URLs on a website to ensure they are optimized for search engines and user experience too. This also includes checking for factors such as proper use of relevant keywords, clear and descriptive URL paths, and avoidance of duplicate URLs.

Canonical tag analysis

Checking if the rel=canonical tag is properly implemented on all web pages to avoid duplicate content issues. This includes setting preferred versions of the canonical tag and making sure that there are no conflicts with other SEO tags or directives.

Internal linking audit

Analyzing all internal links on a website to ensure they are optimized for search engines and good user experience. This includes examining the anchor text used, the placement of links, and the structure of the internal linking hierarchy.

External linking audit

Checking up all the external links on a website and sorting them into relevant and disavowing non-relevant. This also includes analyzing the anchor text used, the authority of the linking domains, and any potential spam or low-quality links which we see more and more each day in any industry.

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Image audit

This part of the audit includes examining all website images to ensure they’re all optimized for search engines and website accessibility. This includes checking image sizes, alt text, alt tags, image URLs, and possible loading issues.

Website performance audit (mobile and desktop)

The website performance audit for mobile and desktop users analyzes the website's speed and performance. We will start with evaluating factors such as page load time, server response time, and other technical aspects that can affect SEO and, most important - user experience.

Structured data audit

Checking if structured data exists and is properly implemented on a website to help search engines understand the content and context of the pages. This includes verifying that the structured data is valid, relevant, and properly formatted according to the schema markup guidelines. Ultimately, the essential step could be suggesting the most appropriate structured data if none are set on the website.

Ask for a consult regarding you website’s tech SEO here

GTM, GA4 and GSC checkups

Analyzing and setting up the website's data in Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics 4, and Google Search Console. Google SEO tools are made to make an evaluation of a website's performance easier and to be able to identify potential areas for improvement. This includes examining key metrics such as traffic, bounce rate, click-through rate, and search visibility - for at least three months.

EAT audit

EAT audit in technical SEO audit involves evaluating a website's Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines and users. We will analyze the content quality, author bios, external links, and other factors affecting a website's EAT score and search engine visibility.

How can you benefit from a technical seo audit?

A technical SEO audit is not just an evaluation; it's a roadmap to success. It's designed to pinpoint areas for improvement, boosting your website's SEO and enhancing user experience.

By investing in a technical SEO audit, you can gain valuable insights into the current state of your website's SEO and get a detailed plan that will address possible solutions for issues staging in the way of better SEO performance.

The benefits of a technical SEO audit are:

  • improved search engine rankings
  • increased organic traffic
  • better user experience
  • higher conversion rates
  • stronger online presence

Why is regular technical SEO audit important?

Regular technical SEO audits are essential because this action will ensure your website performs optimally, keeping up with the ever-changing search engine algorithms

With frequent updates to search engine algorithms, it's crucial to ensure that your website follows the latest technical SEO best practices to maintain its visibility and performance.

By conducting regular technical SEO audits or scheduling regular technical seo consultancy sessions, you can identify and address issues impacting your website's search engine rankings, such as broken links, duplicate content, slow page speed, and poor mobile responsiveness.

Regular technical SEO audits can help you stay ahead of your competitors and ensure that your website offers the best user experience possible.

Identifying and addressing technical issues before they become significant problems can improve your website's search engine rankings, increase organic search performance, and drive more conversions.

At Codersy, we will always advise regular technical SEO audit services for our custom Shopify themes because we know how important it is for you to stay on top of your website's performance and SERP.

Having any questions? It’s ok, we got that covered!

Schedule a consultation here

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